View of IRT train from Seabury Place at Charlotte Street, South Bronx, 1984

View of the Manhattan skyline from Simpson Avenue, Bronx, 1989 .tif

Some of the original 1963 World's Fair cars on the line, View West from Long Island City, Queens, 1978. a Subway worker commented "New York trains were synonimous with graffiti."

View west along the Cross Bronx Expressway, from Boston Rd., Bronx, 1980.

View from the Broadway Junction Elevated Station of the L train, Brooklyn, 1983

Jennings at Southern Blvd, Bronx, 1985.

IRT Intervale Subway Station, Bronx 1995

Virginia, #1 Subway, Manhattan, 1986

#6 Subway enter the South Bronx, Mural, Brook Ave. at East 139th St., Bronx, 1991.

Mural, Bushwick, Brooklyn, 1992

139th St. at Brook Ave., Bronx, 1991

Watkins St. at Belmont Ave., Brooklyn, 2019

King Bee's Mural, detail, East 152nd St. at Third Ave. Bronx, 2018

Waiting for the train, West 96th St. Station, Manhattan, October 29, 2022.

#7 train, Woodside, Queens, March 22, 2020